
Our Pricing

Find Plan that is Right for You

Single Page Website $45 USD*
  • One Page
  • 2 days*
  • HTML
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Ajax
  • PHP
  • MySqli
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4-5 Page Website $85 USD*
  • 4-5 Page
  • 5 days*
  • HTML
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Ajax
  • PHP
  • MySqli
Get Started
Payment Gateway $35 USD*
  • One Page
  • 4 days*
  • HTML
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Ajax
  • PHP
  • MySqli
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Complex Functionality Website $250 USD+*
  • Multiple Pages
  • 10-30 days*
  • HTML
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Ajax
  • PHP
  • MySqli
Get Started

* These Prices and TimeFrames are tentative. Final Prices and TimeFrames will be shared after throughly checking complete requirements.

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